matteo buonomo

I've never had any space at home. I was forced to share my living space with my twin brother. We slept together in the living room on the sofa bed. A personal intimacy has always been rarity. I was born in 1991 in the northern suburbs of Milan. I need to go far from home far from the people I know. Far from the brakes noise of the bus which stops under my place. I like to travel with no dates of return already set. I'm attracted by other human beings. As a kid I stole a wheel of a roller-skate from a shop, only one, I just loved that one. Once at home I felt so guilty that I never stole again. I didn't even have the roller-skate. My mother left away home with another man when I was 10. I grew up without her. I like to find the perfect pages of books. I have a great relationship with loneliness. I grew up with my father and my brother. I love my father, I really do. Last summer we did a road trip together. I like to take off cucumber from cheeseburger. I need to go far from the life I live. Taking photographs is an opportunity to live a life that wasn’t supposed to be mine in places that weren’t supposed to be mine. I like it when at the supermarket the cashier ask me 82 cents for milk and I find the two spare cents in the bottom of the pocket.